Collide world!

Hello, world!  My name is Andrés Cabezas Ulate.  Yesterday, as I was reading one of my favorite blogs, I came across the straw that broke the writer’s block.  Long have I waited to share various ideas with the world.  I’ve been inching along with my methodical publication plans.  Today, though, I decided to go for broke, and jump-start one of the blogs I had envisioned.  A quick WordPress installation here, some minor customization there, and here we go!  Oh, and we musn’t forget the choice of a clever-but-hokey name for my blog, of course.  (Don’t worry, little blog.  You can change your name when you turn 18.)

As a nascent, independent, software entrepreneur, I’d like to share various ideas pertaining to software development.  My primary audience will be fellow coders.  However, laymen may be interested in my other articles, which will cover topics in software usability, IT, and digital culture in general.

I expect to post an article at least once a month, for starters.

If you’d like to receive an e-mail whenever I post an article, please e-mail me at .  You can also subscribe to the RSS feed.

I’ll allow comments on this blog., but will review them prior to publication.  Here’s the RSS feed for the comments.

Before signing off, I’d like to thank several strangers.  They are talented software coder/writers whose respective blogs were a serendipitous find for me.  I’ve picked up other influences since then, but my first Fab Four will always be (in the order I met them) Joel, Eric, Paul, and Jeff.  Let’s see if I can make the most of not only your writing but also your coding advice.  Thank you.

Here we go…

P.S.  I know there’s not much on this blog for now, but how about if we get the comments rolling?  Fellow developers: who are your favorite coder/writers?  Who are your own Fab Four (or Fantastic Five, or Stupendous Six, or Superb Seven, etc.)?

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